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Paws2Rescue logo featuring the symbol of a dogs paw inside a blue cross.

Khan the gypsy dog

Whilst it is never our intention to upset people reading our Newsletter, and we do not show the
worst abused dogs by far, we do want you to see what we are up against in our work – the reality of
a dog’s life in Romania.

In parts of Romania, people and gypsies have the most cruel behaviour towards dogs. This family
tied their dogs to the back of their truck and pulled them along – until rescuers were finally able to
stop the truck. Showing absolutely no remorse, nor caring for the state of the dogs, they allowed our
team to take the dogs. With the black girl adopted locally, Khan has come to the UK to live.
The difference between his life in Romania and his life now could not be more extreme.
We thank you for your support of our work to help our teams save dogs like Khan. Some of the gypsy
and more rural areas can be dangerous for our team – who simply focus on the dogs.
As for punishment, the police simply handed a small fine to the truck driver – for now, that is the
true extent of justice for animals – there is none.