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Paws2Rescue logo featuring the symbol of a dogs paw inside a blue cross.

Our 11th Christmas Shoebox Appeal December 2023

With 15 pallets safely wrapped, full of amazing shoebox donations and warm clothes, we headed off and spent 9 days before Christmas delivering. Donations to rural southern Romania and to Moldova. We went to children’s cancer hospitals, children’s homes, low income families. Donations went to the priest to distribute, and we worked in many communities talking to them about animal care as they received their shoeboxes.

With the kindness of two corporate companies who donated specifically for food, we were able to feed over 300 families, buying basic Christmas food packages from local supermarkets. 

Every single donation was so truly gratefully received and so very desperately needed. We were shocked at the poverty levels once again.

Here are some of the photos which we took, a few from many hundreds, so that you can share some of the joy that you helped to give. You made Christmas magical!