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Paws2Rescue logo featuring the symbol of a dogs paw inside a blue cross.

Save our special dogs

Can you help one of our special dogs? We really would love to move them out of UK kennels.

We currently have 4 dogs in UK kennels. In a dream world, we would have none, bit with over 6,000 dogs adopted into their families, there are always going to be a very small number who sadly, and not always through their own fault are “returned”.

Each one of our 4 Special dogs were assessed by our own team in Romania before being brought to the UK, and their little quirks have been learned since arriving in the UK.

They just need to find their Special person to give them that extra little help. Whilst they are in kennels, they are well cared for, but they do not enjoy this environment and we certainly do not think they will improve.

If you can be a Special Parent, please contact our adoptions team by email at [email protected] and we would love to have a chat with you.