Join us in celebrating 10 years of Paws2Rescue with a £10 donation
thank you!
Paws2Rescue logo featuring the symbol of a dogs paw inside a blue cross.

Our first 10th Anniversary event celebration was certainly a night we will never forget!

Hosted by our Patron, the incredible Peter Egan, and with brilliant impressionist Jon Culshaw filling us all with laughter, the night was a huge success.

Thanks to the support and amazing generosity of everyone who came on the night, we raised a whopping £13,206, plus a wonderfully generous pledge of £5,000. The money raised to buy an anaesthesia machine, an incubator and other items for our medical centre, kennels for our new sanctuary, 100 neuters plus vet bills and animal food for winter.

Our whole team were over the moon at the generosity and support on the evening, kindly sponsored by our Ambassador Angela Humphery.

What a start to our 10th Anniversary celebrations!